A Mother Touch—-




 For Blessing


     Mothers, hearing and seeing His words and works, desired that their children might come to him to be blessed. On one occasion one mother with her children left their home to find the Saviour. On the way they told others of their desire; and as they pursued their journey, mother after mother, with their little ones, joined the company, until, when they reached the place where the Saviour was, there was a little army of women and children who sought to reach his side. He was ministering the word to the people, and healing the sick; and when the women made known their errand, the disciples told them that the Master must not be disturbed. But Christ had heard the petition of the mothers, and at once his heart responded to their desire. He said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

ARSH   January 7, 1909